Cassie gets asked about my name LOT, so I thought I'd give you all an elaborate and eloquent explanation- as I am known to do.
COSMO: My first name actually came from my first owner, Eric, but I really think I owe it to my older brother- Renzo. Renzo was, in a word, insane. If there were anything related to a chaotic event, he was always smack dab in the middle and usually the cause of said chaos. That being said, Eric's idea of a pug's personality was pretty skewed... enter, my namesake- Cosmo Kramer. Although, I firmly believe that the only thing C.K. and I have in common is that we tend to slide/ stumble through doorways.
HANS: My second (or middle) name came from my second owner, Cassie (also known as the sister of my first owner). It all started with "Moman", which was/is a nickname of mine (drop the "Cos", add a "Man", then BLAMO). Moman transgressed into "Moleman", which evolved into "Hans". Now, we can't all be avid Simpsons watchers (I'm looking at you, Cristi)- but Hans Moleman is a minor character on the long-running T.V. show. He has a peanut-shaped head, wrinkles and eyes magnified by glasses-- granted, he's not as adorable as moi, but there are some startling similarities. Feast your eyes:
There it is, folks- your favorite pug in a nutshell. Of course, you've only peeled the first layer of the gigantic, multi-faceted onion that is Cosmo Hans Peterson. More stinky layers to come! Stay tuned.
I recently blogged on the naming of my babies, too! :) Love that Cosmo Hans (and his mama).